Sunday, July 14, 2013

Champions Of The Magnaverse: Deck

Name: Deck (Addel Rayndel "Deck" Lmujan Wedel)
Alignement: Chaotic 9, Evil 7
Class: Bard (Magician) Lvl. 1
Deity: "Luck"
Homeland: The Forests Of Grontsvalg, The Known World, Delliany, The Writer's Cosmosphere
Race: Gnome (Humanoid, Gnome)
Size: Small
Gender: Male (Physiological)
Age: 46 Earth Years (Adult)
Height: 1.00m
Weight: 17.69kg
Skin: Light Yellow
Hair: Lavender
Eyes: Amethyst
Associated Melodies: "Riku" from Kingdom Hearts 2 OST (Main Theme), "Sinister Shadows" from Kingdom Hearts 2 OST (Battle Theme)
Ability Scores: STR 08, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 13, CHA 19
Hit Points: 11 (1d8[8], +2 CON, +1 FAVORED CLASS)
Armor Class: 19 (10 Base, +4 ARMOR, +2 DEX, +1 SIZE, +1 DEFENSE, +1 DODGE)
Touch Armor Class: 15 (10 Base, +2 DEX, +1 SIZE, +1 DEFENSE, +1 DODGE)
Flat-Footed Armor Class: 16 (10 Base, +4 ARMOR, +1 SIZE, +1 DEFENSE)
Damage Reduction: None
Speed: 20ft. (4 sq.), 15ft. (3 sq.) [Weight Encumbered]
Initiative: +2 (+2 DEX)
Saving Throws: 
* Fortitude +2 (+0 CLASS, +2 CON)
* Reflex +4 (+2 CLASS, +2 DEX)
* Will +3 (+2 CLASS, +1 WIS)
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Combat Maneuver Bonus: -2 (+0 BAB, -1 STR, -1 SIZE)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 10 (10 Base, +0 BAB, -1 STR, +2 DEX, -1 SIZE)
Attacks: Fireball Wand (Reflex DC 15, 4d6 Fire, 560ft, Energy, 50 charges)
* Acrobatics -1 (+2 DEX, -2 ARMOR PENALTY, -1 ENCUMBRANCE)
* Appraise +3 (+3 INT)
* Bluff +9 (+4 CHA, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +1 RACIAL)
* Craft - Sculpting +3 (+3 INT)
* Diplomacy +9 (+4 CHA, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +1 RACIAL)
* Disguise +4 (+4 CHA)
* Escape Artist -1 (+2 DEX, -2 ARMOR PENALTY, -1 ENCUMBRANCE)
* Heal +1 (+1 WIS)
* Intimidate +8 (+4 CHA, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS) (Conditional: +2 to Demoralize)
* Knowledge - Arcana +8 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +1 MAGICAL TALENT)
* Knowledge - Local +10 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +2 RACIAL, +1 TRAIT)
* Knowledge - Nobility +7 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS) 
* Perception +3 (+1 WIS, +2 RACIAL)
* Perform - Act +9 (+4 CHA, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +1 TRAIT)
* Sense Motive +1 (+1 WIS)
* Spellcraft +8 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +1 MAGICAL TALENT)
* Stealth +3 (+2 DEX, -2 ARMOR PENALTY, -1 ENCUMBRANCE, +4 RACIAL)
* Survival +1 (+1 WIS)
* Use Magic Device +9 (+4 CHA, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +1 MAGICAL TALENT)
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Tengwar, Iokharic, Khuzdul
Feats: Dodge (Character Creation), Improved Counterspell (Class Bonus)
Traits: Focused Mind (Magic), Shadow Whispers (Religion), Talented (Social)
Drawbacks: Avarice (Drawback)
Racial Features: Academician, Gift Of Tongues, Gnome Magic, Illusion Resistance, Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision
Special Abilities: Gnome Magic [Racial]:
* (1/day, CL 1, Base DC 15) Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak With Animals
* +1 DC in Illusion Spells
Class Features:
* Magical Talent
* Bardic Performance (10 rounds/day; Distraction, Dweomercraft, Fascinate)
Base Spell Save DC: 14 (10 Base, +4 CHA)
Spell Points: 1 (+1 CLASS)
Spells Known:
Cantrips (DC 14, 0 SP): Detect Magic, Flare, Haunted Fey Aspect, Read Magic
Level 1 (DC 15, 1 SP): Chord of Shards, Summon Monster I
Inventory: Chain Shirt (12.5lbs), Bard's Kit (25.125lbs), Fireball Wand (0.06lbs), Entertainer Outffit (1lbs)
Total Load: 38.685lbs. (Medium)
Capital: 180 GP
Fame: 5 (+1 HD, +4 CHA)
Sphere Of Influence: 100 miles/1 Hex (Grontsvalg)
Honor: 20 (+1 HD, CHA 19) [Political Code]


          Many gnomes across The Known World believe in the legend of "Deck", a sort of eternal trickster whose origin is as shrouded in mystery as his whimsical deeds. As such, Deck is no hero of legend nor a spirit of ill omen but the incarnation of the fickle and whimsical spirit of luck which, just like in a game of cards, sometimes smiles at you and sometimes laughs at you regardless of how grimm your fate is. Because of this, no sane gnome would ever even think on trying to pull a prank on Deck if such a reknown (or, sometimes, infamous) character was to cross his path, and all gnomes know that is the wisest to stay on Deck's good side, even if such proves to be DIRELY hard sometimes.

          The truth behind the legend, however, is that Deck is as real as flesh and bone, but has not being one person but many across many hundred years, a sort of mantle taken from master to apprentice and, in some instances, from father to son. Despite this, Addel didn't knew that he was the son of the previous Deck until very recently, when fate revealed by itself to him. Born when the Lmujan Circus Caravan was settled on Grontsvalg, Addel considered the evergreen forests as his home, despite the fact the caravan was always on the move and that he spent most of his childhood learning how to juggle balls and play with cards than rolling or tumbling on the hills. It was no simple life for a child to learn from so young how to trick the senses into believing what was not, but gnomes are natural illusionists and their knack for trickery runs deep on their fey ancestry. Nevertheless, using so much the word "magic" for every single trick and act he was taught, Addel couldn't help but to wonder about the real power of real magic and, so big grew his interest that, as soon as it was possible, and without a word, he left the Lmujan Circus Caravan and headed to Antigo-Terra in the hopes of learning the secrets of the arkane arts from the ancient snakefolk.

          Upon his arrival, Addel was dissmayed when confronted with the sheer elitism the proud snakefolk handle with such a grace and found himself visiting the libraries for days to teach himself, at least, the most basical cantrips with which to prove the skeptical examiners that he had the talent they demanded as an entry requirement. This activity, however, took it's toll on the resources of the gnome, and he soon found himself in the need to try the trade of his parents in order to keep his self teaching, finding out how harsh can be an audience comprised by the amaru. Largely unsuccessfull and in the verge of begging in the streets, Addel's luck changed dramatically when he was spotted by a human soldier working for a wealthy amaru mistress who was on the looks for "something odd and unlikely", which the soldier thought matched well with Addel's current state. Since then, things changed foor good... and worse.

          The stay at the Zimbhel Manor was a transforming experience for Addel in many senses for, as the amaru are known for their occassional excesses, Mistress Zimbhel pushed such to unusual limits. A self-claimed "Sampler Of Experiences", Mistress Zimbhel mind was as inexcrutable as deadly, for in a moment it could by giving away a seizable part of her fortune for the wellfare of the hob-goblin war orphans, and the next she could be sentencing an innocent servant, loyal to her for decades, to be burnt alive to amuse her guests and herself. As such, Addel learned that he had to be ALWAYS on the good side of his mistress and to make her laugh was the best way to achieve it, turning in something in-between her personal buffoon and pet in order to survive. It was evident Mistress Zimbhel was out of her mind, but she was far from stupid, and the presence of Addel was beyond mere entertaining: as innocuous and entertaining as he seemed, Addel could listen to conversations the mistress couldn't out of good manners since the guests regarded Addel as either an odd pet or a meaningless pest. On those years, the gnome learned too much about how the pinnacles of society worked, about how a single whisper could ruin legacies and even empires but, also, that nothing is new forever and that, more and more, his need to please his master was pushing him to do more and more questionable acts of sheer cruelty upon others just for the sake of staying alive, finding out that he too could derive a measure of real and palpable pleasure when he could be "Lady Luck's Executioner". So he had to execute his masterpiece prank soon, and the moment was about to come.

          It was the perfect occassion: Mistress Zimbhel had thrown a party for many of the wealthiest and haughtiest of her kin. As soon as the music began, doors and windows sealed, and parts of the floor opened and closed randomly. The unfortunate who fell in the sudden pits were consumed in a fiery display of fire. Horrified, many tried to scape, but not Mistress Zimbhel: she knew who had done this and, actually, she enjoyed it in a rather twisted blend of outrage and exctasy as she pushed with abandon several of her guests to the fiery pits, which she dodged gracefully, guessing right that the pits followed the rythm and steps of a frantic waltz. When the doors opened with she as the only survivor, she came out calmly, one would say almost placid. Before her was Addel, and both looked at each other in silence for a minute that seemed eternal, both smiling at each other. No love, no hate, but evil. Mistress Zimbhel was delighted to have found someone who could understand the beauty of life, expressed in the moment of horror in which it is cherished the most. However, evil cannot suffer itself, and she, perhaps instinctively, knew she couldn't let someone like her to go on living, and Addel knew it too. Nothing the gnome could conjure in that moment would suffice to defeat his mistress and he knew her grasp was beyond scaping, so he stood there before her. The amaru slowly took out her wand and aimed at Addel, apologizing with her usual charm about the inevitability of things, to which Addel limited to point out that the wand was held in reverse, so Mistress Zimbhel thanked the gnome an instant before reducing her own head to cinders. It was mere luck on Addel's side: the absent minded Mistress Zimbhel would have the bad habbit of picking things the opposite side and Addel always reminded her to correct it. Who would have guessed, this time, Addel was wrong?

          The gnome wasted no time and seized as much as he could from the fortune of his former mistress and took the wand that saved him along before setting the entire manor on fire. It was no coincende: it was luck's will that he was alive to dispense it and not to be a slave. Luck would show the way and, in the very moment he was to dissmiss such thoughts as part of the maddness of such a night, Addel found, among his things, a bundle that was always there with him, a gift from his father which had eluded him so far. A deck of cards, an ancestral tool to foretell the fortunes and to harness luck itself and, still, it was no mere deck, for the fabled crest of Deck was on it, so he understood, that night, who he was meant to be and why he had suffered for so long: how could he not when he had been walking against his fate? He had been chosen to be part of inmortality and now he embraced it, as a caterpillar disscarding it's old form, and became what he was meant to be: Deck.

-"I feel lucky tonight. Do you?"
Deck, Magician.

Editor Notes:
* Character stats using the Ultra Elite Array (17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 10).
* Character background created with the Background Generator System found on Ultimate Campaign.
* Background Generator Results:
- Gnome Homeland: Forest
- Gnome Parents: Both Of Your Parents Are Alive
- Gnome Siblings: None
- Cirsumstance Of Birth: Lower-Class Birth
- Parents Profession: Entertainers
- Major Childhood Event: Academy Training
- Bard Background: Cultural Mandate
- Influential Associate: The Liege Lord
- Conflict: Mass Murder
- Conflict Subject: Soldier/Warrior
- Conflict Motivation: Pleasure
- Resolution: Secret Regret
- Deity and Religious Philosophy: Luck, Shadow Whispers
- Romantic Relationships: Experience But No Subtantial Relationships
- Character Drawback: Material Wealth
* Defense Modifier based on a variant of the Defense Points System from D&D 3.5 Unearthed Arcana.
Spells/Day conversion to Spell Points as it appears on D&D 3.5 Unearthed Arcana.

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