Friday, April 12, 2013

At Guardian Channel...

It has been a hard week at the south, but not one bereft of success. Some days ago, our forces were pushed back to the north after having retaken a considerable part of the city of Guardian Channel. I have been told that, before the war, the city of Guardian Channel was a "fun place" and a "garden of many excesses". Despite everything, in a sense, it remains being that: a place where people try to forget that the world has been pushed to the very brink of it's extinction by indulging in pleasures of all kinds. Many calamities have scourged this city across the years since the beginning of the war and, yet, it's citizens do all on their power to remain as blissfully unaware of what's happening to the point no tears are shed for those who join the ranks of the Star Doppelganger. They simply let us do our job and carry on with their lives.

As I mentioned earlier (sorry, I tend to digress), our forces were pushed back by a retaliatory attack from the Star Doppelganger, which seeded doubt among the ranks on the effectivity of our new weapondry, developed thanks to Rheus, and to the indispensable support of Random's kin. Based mainly on vespene gas, hidrogen, and deactivated jorium, our boys have named it "Gardxya". Why? Beats me: all we care about it is that it seems to work in contrast with the expensive and traditional neutron bomb raids we had going on for almost a year with no significant effect but to "stun" the Doppelganger briefly. Fortunatelly, faith was restored as we significantly pushed back de Doppelganger forces with an astounding speed, recovering what we lost along a week in merely 2 days of intense fire. Some are wondering if the new andrium warheads, based on carbon and sodium, have anything to do with our apparent success as several trans-continental reports claim that such a weapon had effect in long-run campaigns against similar beings. I'd like to think such is true.

At any rate, a new assembly at the high command will take place in the comming days as to decide if there is going to be a change of plans in the strategy employed. Let's hope we don't waste any more life and resources in flashy displays that do nothing at all.

- Diessel Yantra.

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