Alignement: Lawfull 1, Good 1
Class: Paladin (Divine Defender) Lvl. 1
Deity: Garl Glittergold
Homeland: The Forests Of Grontsvalg, The Known World, Delliany, The Writer's Cosmosphere
Race: Gnome (Humanoid, Gnome)
Size: Small
Gender: Female (Physiological)
Age: 46 Earth Years (Adult)
Height: 0.99m
Weight: 15.88kg
Skin: Persian Indigo
Hair: Aureolin
Eyes: Sunglow
Associated Melodies: "Pietro Skip" from Popolocrois OST (Main Theme), "Feel My Blade" from Final Fantasy IX OST (Battle Theme)
Ability Scores: STR 12, DEX 10, CON 18, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 19
Hit Points: 14 (1d10[10], +4 CON)
Armor Class: 25 (10 Base, +9 ARMOR, +2 SHIELD, +0 DEX, +1 SIZE, +3 DEFENSE), (Conditional: +2 Dodge Bonus when in Forest Terrain)
Touch Armor Class: 14 (10 Base, +0 DEX, +1 SIZE, +3 DEFENSE), (Conditional: +2 Dodge Bonus when in Forest Terrain)
Flat-Footed Armor Class: 25 (10 Base, +9 ARMOR, +2 SHIELD, +1 SIZE, +3 DEFENSE)
Damage Reduction: None
Speed: 20ft. (4 sq.), 15ft. (3 sq.) [With Armor]
Initiative: +0 (+0 DEX)
Saving Throws:
* Fortitude +6 (+2 CLASS, +4 CON)
* Reflex +0 (+0 CLASS, +0 DEX)
* Will +3 (+2 CLASS, +1 WIS)
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +1 (+1 BAB, +1 STR, -1 SIZE)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 11 (10 Base, +1 BAB, +1 STR, +0 DEX, -1 SIZE), (Conditional: +1 VS Trip)
Attacks: Heavy Spiked Steel Shield +2 (1d4+1, 20/x2, Melee, Bludgeoning)
* Acrobatics -7 (+0 DEX, -8 ARMOR PENALTY, +1 TRAIT)
* Appraise +1 (+1 INT)
* Bluff +4 (+4 CHA) (Conditional: +1 VS Opposite Gender)
* Climb -7 (+1 STR, -8 ARMOR PENALTY)
* Craft - Woodcrafting +1 (+1 INT)
* Diplomacy +8 (+4 CHA, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS), (Conditional: +1 VS Opposite Gender, Shaken for 1 round upon failure)
* Disguise +4 (+4 CHA)
* Escape Artist -8 (+0 DEX, -8 ARMOR PENALTY)
* Fly -8 (+0 DEX, -8 ARMOR PENALTY)
* Heal +5 (+1 WIS, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS)
* Intimidate +4 (+4 CHA)
* Perception +3 (+1 WIS, +2 RACIAL)
* Perform - Oratory +4 (+4 CHA)
* Profession - Woodcutter +7 (+1 WIS, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +2 RACIAL)
* Ride -8 (+0 DEX, -8 ARMOR PENALTY)
* Sense Motive +5 (+1 WIS, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS)
* Stealth -4 (+0 DEX, -8 ARMOR PENALTY, +4 RACIAL)
* Survival +1 (+1 WIS)
* Swim -7 (+1 STR, -8 ARMOR PENALTY)
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Elven
Feats: Improved Shield Bash (Character Creation)
Traits: Charming (Social), Inspired (Faith), Log Roller (Regional)
Drawbacks: Dependent (Drawback)
Racial Features: Bond To The Land, Keen Senses, Obsessive, Magical Linguist, Low-Light Vision
Special Abilities: Magical Linguist [Racial]:
* (1/day, CL 1) Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
* +1 DC in Language Dependent Spells, +2 in Saving Throws VS Language Dependent Spells.
Class Features:
* Aura Of Good [Faint]
* Detect Evil (At Will)
* Smite Evil (1/day)
Inventory: Full Plate (25lbs), Heavy Spiked Steel Shield (7.5lbs), Paladin's Kit (22.5lbs), Soldier's Uniform (5lbs)
Total Load: 60lbs. (Medium)
Capital: 300 GP
Fame: 5 (+1 HD, +4 CHA)
Sphere Of Influence: 100 miles/1 Hex (Grontsvalg)
Honor: 20 (+1 HD, CHA 19) [Chilvaric Code]
Born to the name Vnieda Lythoanna, Urana saw the light for first time at the forests of Grontsvalg, at the center of The Known World, while her mother was actually seeing it for the last time. Her parents hadn't the slightest hint of what was going to be the future of their daughter when she was brought to life, but the first thing they knew was that her life wasn't going to be easy for, while gnomes sport skin hues that run the rainbow gammut, Urana had been granted an unlikely persian indigo which, while as exotic as alluring, it also brought to the mind and memory of many the image of the hated drow, and many mistook the little child for an unclean affair with the elves of the dark deeps, even when the girl was bereft of sin or taint. Nevertheless, the fact the child had no siblings and that the her mother had passed away during childbirth only made it all more suspicious, and it drove the sensible girl to seek solace in the company of the creatures of the wild and on her own solitude.
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Urana |
Silently isolated from the rest, Urana eagerly learned the trade of her father as the girl fancied on her mind adventures of valor and great deed while the heads of vicious dragons rolled down with each chopped wood, just like in the tales her father would tell her before going to bed. So full was her mind of such stories that, now and then, other younglings of a far less prejudicing nature would come to her just to hear the stories she was told, embellished with an endearing, and sometimes comical, dramatization from her part. After all, she had learned that it was better to make people laugh with her than laugh at her or, worst even, be scared of her. However, this wouldn't save her from the eventual return of solitude to her life, as faces came and went but, in the end, it didn't mattered how much Urana tried to make that new friendship to last a bit longer and go a bit deeper: she was "Black Vnieda, The Drowy". But, after years of solitude, for once, things changed.
One day, Urana found herself trying to make use of an old wagon wheel that had been disscarded by her father while replacing it for a new one, a common happenstance on his trade as carpenter and lumberjack. While not exceptionally gifted as a woodcrafter, Urana was a gnome lass as any other respectable one, and no gnome is truely bereft of a little artistical streak on themselves, even if such streaks take a rather subtle expression. As such, the girl was trying to see how she could turn the old wheel into something usefull by bending some it's parts, which she had already turned into a pair of handles, thought she wasn't actually sure of what she was trying to achieve. Suddenly, a cry for help made her dart into it's direction, only to find a young gnome boy facing two armed kobold thugs. The boy had very slim chances of surviving, as a cliff was behind him, and the kobolds were comming closer. Urana had no time to alert anybody, not even to bring the axe of her father, so she grabbed the old wheel she had at hand on one arm and charged with all her strenght, aiming for one of the kobolds. Taken by surprize, the kobold was hit squarely by Urana, plunging into the cliff. Not wasting a minute, the other one threw himself over Urana, enduring blow after blow with the old wheel until she finally pushed back her foe. Putting herself between the kobold and the boy, the wheel almost completely ruined now, Urana held her ground and her heart aflame spoke with a bravery unknown to her until now.
-"Bone shatters, wood splinters and flesh fails... but the will of the brave endure the hammer of titans! You can break my shield, but not my resolve! Come! COME!!!"
Nevertheless, the sound of people arriving at the scene prompted the cunning creature to fly the scene in a haste as Urana allowed the wheel to fall to the ground to hold her bruised arm. The event became widely commented in Grontsvalg, and Urana became a minor celebrity on those days and fast friends with Gaul, the youngling she defended and who, in utter gratitude, taught Urana how to read and write in several languages for Gaul was, himself, an scribe on apprenticeship. Thanks to him, Urana learned a lot of the bigger world and, dazzled by the romanticism and passion with which the girl used to talk about the great adventures and deeds of the heroes in history, Gaul encouraged Urana constantly to pursue her dreams of glory and to make a tale of her own life. While the idea of being praised by everybody just like Gaul did to her was more than just appealing, Urana still felt she was just a "lumberjack girl" and that, while treasured, her fantasies would remain fantasies forever. Thinking on this made her heart to ache, but it was bareable as long as she could stay by the side of Gaul, whom she came to cherish far more than just a friend in the comming years. So, despite she believing not to be fitt to be the heroine that now Gaul seemed to worship, Urana made use of her newfound fame to help Gaul promote his art and books, donning a knightly armor and shield, and even a real sword as part of her new act of epic storytelling, much to the delight of children. Nevertheless, one who plays with sword carelessly soon finds out why swords are weapons, not toys.
One day, a few months after Urana's 40th anniversary, the caravan in which Gaul was travelling to return to Grontsvalg was assaulted by kobolds, led by none other than the same kobold who had scaped during Gaul's and Urana's first meeting. Much to Gaul's luck, Urana, unwilling to wait for the arrival of her now lover, had went ahead to meet up with Gaul's caravan, only to arrive in the very moment of the raid. Urana fought alongside the caravan defenders, but it wasn't like the last time, for it wasn't bravery but a different emotion what drove her sword. Something in her squirmed and moved, exhilarated at the raining of blood, at the sensation of power and borderline between death and life, clouding any sense of purpose, of goal, driving her to plunge her bladed weapon like the axe chopping wood back home with such and unholy delight that she couldn't bring her to stop, not even after all of the enemies were fallen, for when Gaul ran to her side, her sword slashed, without discerning friend from foe. It was only when the young scribe fell that Urana came to her senses, the bladed tool of death slipping her grasp, and horror took her heart. She, who everybody saw as heroine, had struck her very own lover.
After the incident, Urana was never the same. Thanks to avatars of fate, Gaul was alive and well, but his right hand had been terribly injured due Urana's slash, and it would take the gnome several years to recover the fine usage he used to have. Gaul had no ill feelings towards his lover, but Urana found herself unable to face him again. On her mind she had not only soiled the gallant and brave imagery her lover had of her, but the hopes and dreams she had helped create in the minds and hearts of so many along him so, after days of utter isolation, she took a decision and wrote a letter her lover and her people would read once she had departed Grontsvalg to travel the world and become the agent of good and virtue they deserved: not a killer, but a protector of those in need, no sword to take life, but a shield to guard it. From that day on, the gnome forsake all her names only to be known by the simple "Urana", gnomish for guardian.
-"Life is too precious to be taken, a gift of the gods. Who are we to take it? Instead, I think we are here to cherish it and preserve it as the testament of creation's beauty. Isn't that worth standing for?"
Urana, Divine Defender
Editor Notes:
* Character stats using the Ultra Elite Array (17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 10).
* Character background created with the Background Generator System found on Ultimate Campaign.
* Background Generator Results:
- Gnome Homeland: Forest
- Gnome Parents: Only Your Father Is Alive
- Gnome Siblings: None
- Cirsumstance Of Birth: Lower-Class Birth
- Parents Profession: Serfs/Peasants
- Major Childhood Event: Ordinary Childhood
- Paladin Background: Holy Epiphany
- Influential Associate: The Lover
- Conflict: Minor Failure
- Conflict Subject: Tradesperson
- Conflict Motivation: Love
- Resolution: Regret And Penance
- Deity and Religious Philosophy: Garl Glittergold, Divine Warrior
- Romantic Relationships: A Few Significant Relationships
- Character Drawback: Social Acceptance
* Defense Modifier based on a variant of the Defense Points System from D&D 3.5 Unearthed Arcana.
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