Alignement: Lawfull 1, Neutral 6
Class: Wizard (Necromancer) Lvl. 1
Deity: She-Who-Shines
Homeland: The Clockwork Cliffs Of Gyria, Othorian Islands, Delliany, The Writer's Cosmosphere
Race: Gondul (Outsider, Native, Construct, Automata)
Size: Small
Gender: Male (Psicological)
Age: 4 Earth Years (Adult)
Height: 1.11m
Weight: 17kg
Skin: Dartmouth Green (Plating)
Hair: Ultramarine (Connective Rubber)
Eyes: Crimson (Glow Light)
Associated Melodies: "Hollow Bastion" from Kingdom Hearts OST (Main Theme), "Scherzo di notte" from Kingdom Hearts OST (Battle Theme)
Ability Scores: STR 12, DEX 18, CON --, INT 17, WIS 14, CHA 13
Hit Points: 16 (1d6[6], +6 Racial, +1 Favored Class, +3 Toughness)
Armor Class: 19 (10 Base, +4 DEX, +1 SIZE, +2 NATURAL, +2 DEFENSE)
Touch Armor Class: 17 (10 Base, +4 DEX, +1 SIZE, +2 DEFENSE)
Flat-Footed Armor Class: 15 (10 Base, +1 SIZE, +2 NATURAL, +2 DEFENSE)
Damage Reduction: 2/- (Armored Core Clockwork Modification)
Speed: 40ft. (8 sq.)
Initiative: +4 (+4 DEX)
Saving Throws:
* Fortitude +0 (+0 CLASS, -- CON)
* Reflex +4 (+0 CLASS, +4 DEX)
* Will +4 (+2 CLASS, +2 WIS)
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0 (+0 BAB, +1 STR, -1 SIZE)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 14 (10 Base, +0 BAB, +1 STR, +4 DEX, -1 SIZE)
Attacks: Masterwork Quarterstaff "Arc-Kane" +3 (1d4+1/1d4+1, 20/x2, Melee, Bludgeoning)
* Bluff +1 (+1 CHA)
* Climb +1 (+1 STR)
* Craft - Clockworks +9 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS, +2 RACIAL)
* Diplomacy +1 (+1 CHA), (Conditional: -2 VS Different Race/Culture Beings)
* Intimidate +1 (+1 CHA)
* Knowledge - Arcana +7 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS)
* Knowledge - Engineering +7 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS)
* Linguistics +7 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS)
* Perception +2 (+2 WIS)
* Spellcraft +7 (+3 INT, +1 RANK, +3 CLASS)
Languages: Common, Khuzdul, Tengwar, Ferran, Gnome
Feats: Toughness (Character Creation), Command Undead (Arcane School Bonus), Scribe Scroll (Class Bonus)
Traits: Eldritch Delver (Magic), Focused Mind (Magic), Tireless Logic (Social)
Drawbacks: Xenophobic
Racial Features: Automata Construct Immunities, Clockwork Modification (Armored Core, Nimble Hands x2), Fortified Frame, Low-Light Vision, Sentient Mind
Special Abilities: Burst Of Speed (8 Speed Points) [Racial]
Class Features:
* Arcane Bond [Quarterstaff]
* Arcane School [Necromancy]: Power Over Undead (6/day, DC12); Grave Touch (6/day)
* Forbbiden Schools: Abjuration, Illusion
Base Spell Save DC: 13 (10 Base, +3 INT)
Spell Points: 4 (+2 CLASS, +1 BONUS, +1 SCHOOL)
* Cantrips (DC 13, 0 SP): Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Disrupt Undead, Drench, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray Of Frost, Spark, Touch Of Fatigue
* Level 1 (DC 14, 1 SP): Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Decompose Corpse, Interrogation, Ray Of Enfeeblement, Ray Of Sickening
Inventory: Arc-Kane (2lbs), Engineer's Kit (4lbs), Spellbook (3lbs), Nebulium Charges x7 (7lbs)
Total Load: 16lbs. (Light)
Capital: 120 GP
Fame: 2 (+1 HD, +1 CHA)
Sphere Of Influence: 100 miles/1 Hex (Gyria)
Honor: 14 (+1 HD, CHA 13) [General Code]
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Pitch |
After a year of hard work, Pitch was relocated and rescheduled to follow his original purpose by assisting the Scholar Academy Of Gyria as soon as a new vein of copper was found. There, Pitch met with Sister Aurika, a priest devoted to She-Who-Shines, who caught the attention of the gondul with her deep and wisdomfull insights in the grounds of life and the state of sentience. In time, Pitch developed a crush for Aurika but, while the latter never rejected him, it was clear her thoughts were solely for her divine call. Nevertheless, it was thanks to Aurika that Pitch began to ponder on the dynamics of existance and sentience, prompting him to begin his own research and journey.
Around a year later, Pitch found himself in the company of the gondul rogue Misshap while exploring the some of the ruins in the lands of the nezumi, seeking for arkane lore of the ancient civilizations the former, and for treasure the latter. Unfortunatelly, the ruins were far from being abandoned, and both were eventually caught by the reclusive serpentfolk, who took on an interest for the automatas and their arkane potential. Pressed into service under the threat of torturing Misshap through systematic dismantling, Pitch was the subject of uncontable tests of his arkane capacity, forced in many ocassions, to act as a living weapon, harming and, often, killing sentient beings, to the point of destroying an entire village in a particular ocassion. It was then that Pitch began to think that only "organics", as his people refered to the beings of flesh and bone, could bear such a capacity for evil. On the last experiment in which he took part, Pitch was made to endure an overload of polarized negative energy which, unsuspectedly, granted him the chance to scape his captors as he managed to overload the machines that were feeding him the energy. Pitch managed to survive the ordeal mostly unscathed but the same couldn't be said for Misshap. With her body heavily polarized as a side effect of the energy release, Misshap body couldn't hold her sentience despite it being physically intact. It was a sort of connundrum: her body was alive but "bereft" of volition, very much like a mindless reanimated corpse. It was the desire to cure Misshap what made Pitch to delve into necromancy to further understand the puzzle and save her. Alas, barely some months after the incident, Misshap ceased to function once and for all without anything the engineers at Gyria could do.
Enbittered by the loss of his adventure partner, for whom he felt something more than mere fellowship, Pitch further sequestered himself from the world and only Crashy, a former student at the Scholar Academy Of Gyria, kept in contact with him as she was drawn to an idealized concept of the adventuring life of the gondul budding necromancer, specially as he realized the ordeal at the ruins had granted him a measure of power over negative energy. Being an alchemist, Crashy developed the nebulium charges Pitch would use in the future to fuel his necromantic powers, something for which the necromancer was thankfull, but decided to keep to himself, as he began to be fearfull of dragging Crashy or anybody else into the fate of Misshap. As such, the relationship between both became more and more tense with each attempt of Crashy to get closer to Pitch, and a colder and stronger rejection by the part of the latter. Seeing that he could not get ridd of Crashy by simple emotional distance, Pitch decided to put a physical distance in between both and left Gyria in search for his answers alone, where he could not harm anybody else.
-"When does the cold steel becomes vibrant?, When does the aglomeration of parts becomes a whole?, When does movement is no longer a mere effect of physics and becomes animation? When does potential energy ceases to be mere illusion of life to become the bitter song of sentience? I wonder... Could I have saved you? ... Or perhaps there is nothing worth saving anywhere, anytime, life... nothing less impresive than a mere function inherent to matter? ... I wonder..."
Pitch, The Necromancer.
Editor Notes:
* Character stats using the Ultra Elite Array (17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 10).
* Race based on the Goldün Automata from the Rhun Campaign Setting. More information in "Automata - Guide To The Awakened".
* Character background created with the Background Generator System found on Ultimate Campaign.
* Background Generator Results:
- Cirsumstance Of Birth: Lower-Class Birth
- Parents Profession: Serfs/Peasants
- Major Childhood Event: Academy Training
- Wizard Background: Unquenchable Hunger for Knowledge
- Influential Associate: The Mystic
- Conflict: Destruction
- Conflict Subject: Humanoid Monster
- Conflict Motivation: Pressured or Manipulated
- Resolution: Secret Regret
- Deity and Religious Philosophy: No Deity
- Romantic Relationships: A Few Significant Relationships
- Character Drawback: Race
* Spells/Day conversion to Spell Points as it appears on D&D 3.5 Unearthed Arcana.
* Defense Modifier based on a variant of the Defense Points System from D&D 3.5 Unearthed Arcana.
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