Hex Share: Only with settlements.
Terrain: Plains
Effect: Economy +1, earn +1 BP per turn with collecting taxes during the Income Phase. +1 Unrest if created on a hex with a non-artificial race settlement. Survival checks to gather food and water for sustenance made on this Hex automatically fail. Artificial races army consumption decrease in 1 BP. +1 DC when dealing with the Crop Failure Event if adjacent to a Hex with a Farm Improvement.
Cost: 6 BP
Upgrade 1: 12 BP. Economy +2, earn +2 BP per turn when collecting taxes during the Income Phase. Artificial races army consumption decrease in 2 BP. +2 DC when dealing with the Crop Failure Event if adjacent to a Hex with a Farm Improvement. Hex is rendered blighted.
Upgrade 2: 18 BP. Economy +3, earn +3 BP per turn when collecting taxes during the Income Phase, +1 Defense. Artificial races army consumption decrease in 3 BP. +3 DC when dealing with the Crop Failure Event if adjacent to a Hex with a Farm Improvement. Hex is permanently blighted changing it's type to a standard Wasteland and can only be restored by special means.
The Writer.
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