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Kenina |
You know, a lot of people do not like this place, but I do. It is a lot like home, but a lot more quiet. People here do not fight about silly or sad things. They just work hard and enjoy the time together. You may not see them because they seem scary and dirty at first glance but, take a closer look: when they are all together before the fireplace, you see the people behind all the dirtyness and hardened looks. They smile, they laugh, they sing together. Some of them do not even know the name of the person drinking and eating by his side, yet when everybody's merry, they hug, they laugh, they share, as if they were all a big family. Isn't it pretty-kupo?
I miss the old Major, he was a good person too. He missed too dearly his family so he took my advice and went to see his family in the southern lands. I bet he is happy now, with his wife and his two sons. I wonder if he will remember me. But the new Major isn't a bad person either, despite what she may want others to believe by possing as an scary and grim leader. She is just very cold and needs someone to give her a hug, a biiig hug until all the cold on her heart melts and comes out through her eyes. I am sure she will feel a lot better when such happens, and perhaps she can be cured, but I can't do it for her. Not now. She must recall the heat of life on her own. Only then I can melt the ice from her heart, but I think I will not be needed then-kupo.
Oh! The stew's ready-kupo! I bet Teshmacker would like it. I know he likes my cooking, even if he doesn't says it. He is such a sweet person too. I don't ask him for anything but he is always bringing me spices and ingredients when I start to run low on them. And yet people is so scared of him just because he is a hobgoblin. I really can't understand it: I'm not scared of him. Why would I? It wasn't his fault to be born where he was born, yet people consider him a bad person just because of that. Is not fair. People is so blind. They can't see the kindness and warmth in the heart of others. Only here, amid such a cold and endless white, without anything else to see, people learn to discern the colors of kindness-kupo.
And there is Odeel, too. She is so pretty, and yet, her people do not want her just because part of her blood is hume. Poor Odeel-kupo: even her sweety left her side when he was drafted into the Ashturian army. Why can't all couples live happy, warm, and together everywhere? Why is there the need for so many sad goodbyes? Why can't those just be "see-you-soons"? Poor Odeel, acting all tough and strong all the time to not feel alone when, in fact, she remains so innocent and pure. Boys should learn that the toughest looking girls are the most frail. I'm gonna make a sweet carrot pie for her-kupo! That always makes her smile. I know, I have seen it, and is such a pretty smile that would make any boy to fall for her if she just allowed others to see it. She doesn't know I have seen it, but I have-kupo. But that will have to wait-kupo: I have a lot of paper to write for Odeel-kupo.
Oh, do you hear that-kupo? That means a new ship has arrived-kupo! It always makes me excited when a new ship arrives, but also sad: many goodbyes, but many hellos too-kupo! I might be lucky and get new customers-kupo. Who knows what wonderfull new stories of adventure, friendship and love I might get to learn this season-kupo? Isn't this the best place ever-kupo?
- Kenina, Scribe & Innkeeper Of Roh'Tul.
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