A dimly iluminated room, stocked to the brim with piles of yellowing paper parchments, reeking on the inescapable humidity of these parts on which resilient molds dine and thrive. Such dissarray, no wonder my master fancied I was cut for the job. As I skimmed over the weathered folios and scrolls in order to gather a rough measure of their nature, I couldn't help but to wonder how this port town survived for so long with such an unproffesional and ineficient system of record keeping.
A first glance at the documents revealed that gaining Roh'Tul was actually a good investment and no act of folly from my part, thought half of my fortune was employed on such an acquiring, and the other half would, most likely, go into refitting this place in order to make it truely effective and worth the investment. It would take time, time to plant the seeds of an ordered and trascendent belief into the minds and hearts of this people, but it would pay off eventually. Once they understood the truth behind the veil, they would readily embrace the law and rule of Lord Golgothir, guided by the wisdom of The Twins on their divine way of stern truths and dark ponderings. But, before embracing law, these people ought to comprehend its might and fear its reach. Nevertheless, such would not be possible in the current state of things, with so many a visitor inciting insurrection in the malleable minds of the locals and criminals running around unpunished. Justice must be delivered on the outlaws, a fitting task for an accolyte on the mysteries of The Book Of Truths to prove her quality to king and gods. One that must start as soon as possible and in exemplary measure, for while I might make use of shadow to do my task, it is for eyes and light that my deeds are to speak.
But there are other truths to pursue in this place of far more ancient nature that ought not to scape the scope of my attention. I have seen here reports of past dealings with the wyr-karaz naugrim, who are said to dwell in the frozen depths of this land, comming to seek knowledge on their findings of a metal in the likeness of mithril but unspoken on their records. A receipt asking for mercury led me to someone under the name of Wollaston, an alchemist of sorts, who apparently tried to discern the nature of the naugrim finding, branding the metal "rhodium" due the color obtained on one of his experiments. Later experiments seem to hint that, under unusual and complex conditions which my mind is ill-educated to grasp completely, this "rhodium" can be a far more stable source of the scarce jorium crystals than copper and other metals that cannot withstand such a punishment through fire and other hungry humors. An entry on Wollaston's journal points out the naugrim were unable to find any sort of vein or natural occurrence of this "rhodium", while finding refined scraps of it everywhere around 100 meters deep in the ice in an area as far as 1Km from our coastline. It is no doubt now that the everfrost contains unspoken truths to be unveiled, as the truth behind my assignement to these parts is revealed. As such, stablishing a jorium refinery and a "rhodium" mine beyond the point of no return is imperative but, one step at a time. Law needs to be restored and order healed.
-"May truth guide my steps in the darkness of mistery, as I send those unrepentant to your door, Emet-Selch. May I bring order on your name in the guise of death."
- Jatti Hyokaaja, Inquisitor Of The Church Of Emet-Selch.
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