Seemos |
Yesterday, Graymorn came to my atelier, eager to listen on the accounts of certain passages of TayBalian history related to a pair of young witches of who very few know (shame on them) and who were pivotal in the preservation of TayBalê for a long time, in the years of the early career of Danae Bizzmark. Along with Niireme'a, who just came back in time, we spend an entertaining evening together as we disscussed history, witchcraft (one of Niireme'a's most beloved branches of Inexact Science), and a few rarities typical of a world like TayBalê during it's second renaissance.
Some time after Graymorn's departure, nevertheless, it seems I dozed off watching the stars from a window, and my mind walked through the avenue of memories as dreams took a hold of my mind, bringing me back to my days of training at Joujouka in Seminarium. I was back in the yellow building with the basic white and yellow assault armor, trying to scape an infestation of hostile bio-mechanical forms, quickly devouring and assimilating all sorts of dummy civilian characters, so I had to move rather quickly before the numbers were unmanageable. I must say I loved the armor functionality with this cool ability to blend together distinct types of gadgets and technologies from fallen foes, but I could never get too adjusted to the drill nor the speed of the events around me, so before I knew it, I was running of the place to the exit as the numbers were overwhelming against me. I can recall clearly falling from like 2 or 3 stories into the checkerboard surface and bringing the simulation to an end, all sprawled in the ground, watching the dotomyte beacon on the sky and breathing for my life as my stats displayed on my hud. I wonder why I would have dreamt of something like that all of a sudden.
Funny fact: I used to wear my hair short back then because it was far more comfortable when putting on the helmet of the armor.
- Seemos Yantra
Black Pierre |
For a long time, I have been, mostly, asleep. My quest almost forgotten. My ruminations thin and transparent as a dream that fades into the waking world. Is this our fate? Are we meant to return to the voyd that hungers for all? In the past, I would have refused... but I no longer have the strenght nor drive... as my mirror sibling turns away from mortality and I become a mere shadow of ill forebodding.
Nowadays, it is only ill thoughts or ill dreams what wakes me, if barely, from this transientness into the neither, like yesterday. Yesterday... ah, yesterday... Yesterday, a particularly simbiotic couple dared to seek shelter from the already unforgiving world in which we dwell in the ruins of my once splendid Fair Of Reversed Aesthetics. These weren't newcomers, but old chaps I have seen (and thrown out of my domains) plenty of times, who were taking, once again, advantage of the fact sleep has gotten a dark and chocking hold upon my self: Dier, The Graceless, and his mistress, Erebus, The Hollow.
Little is there to say about Dier, a carnage demon retrieved from the layers of The Abyss and brought to me, originally, by Leeu, The Hater, as an entry token to partake in the attractions of The Fair, which I graciously accepted. Alas, I quickly found the wretched creature was of little to no use for me, so once I cursed it to it's own freedom, it found a master under the charge of Erebus.
I've met with Erebus, The Hollow, some time ago, as my fellow maren Asaka, The Godless, was trying to capture her as a new trophy for his personal collection of pain lovers. Asaka eventually grew dissinterested as he fled to warmer lands in order to stablish his own rulership and I took his place, intrigued by the possibility of corrupting whatever little good was left on this being. Much to my dismay, I quickly found there was nothing left to corrupt on someone who, as her namesake implied, was hollow from a beginning: Erebus is a channeling eidolon, a hollow doll body bereft of any real mind or heart of it's own, supplied by a combination of restless and formless spirits that hunger for sensation and experience, which she gladly provides with every new debauchery she manages to accomplish. Being this way, I quickly lost interest in her, and she found a fast and easy thrall on Dier to account for her lack of physical strenght and to revel on the pleasure of massacre and slaughter. As of late, the cunning and ever treacherous nalfeshnee Vark, has filled up Erebus thoughts to the brim with dellussions of grandeur and now The Hollow believes she has the power to overthrow me. Would you believe such fallacy?
But, I am digressing. The point is that, being in the state I am, I was able to peer in the multitude of minds that populate the hollow spaces in the body of Erebus, and such a sight I had: filty men as misserable as chickens on a rooster plotting against titans, unholy cruxifications of science in the name of boredom, and a marvelous feast of spattered blood and gore for the damned. How long had it been since such callings had awakened me from such a hard hold? I would even dare to say it is a new turning page in the history of this darkness... and I'm quite willing to see it through... to it's end, as usual.
- Black Pierre Yantra.
One of the most important things happening as off late is that Master Yensid returned after a very long absense. For a long time, his apprentices has been running things as he was away on some business out of our galaxy, and only returned briefly to do one or two things now and then. Nevertheless, even when his apprentices are good, they aren't him, so their creations lack... eh.... well, let's just say you can easily notice when his hand is not at it.
As you might imagine, it was a huge surprize when Master Sacul declared he would be leaving the throne and passing it to Master Yensid, and many were... eh... not very happy about it. On my part, my feelings were contradictory: for a party, I know what Master Yensid can do... but he hadn't been around for a long time... so I was afraid (and I still am) that his apprentices would wreck our beloved galaxy, literally.
So, while that fear hasn't dissipated, Master Yensid have returned briefly and done something nobody would had ever imagined possible: under the banner of The New Galactic Kingdom, he managed to unite some of the core civilizations in the Gamian Cluster! I must admit I dreamt with this moment many times, but I never really thought it was possible. It's the best thing that has happened in a long time at the Gamian Cluster since many of their planets have been destroyed on the wars among their leaders, with many survivors migrating to the ever expanding artificial Emu type colonies in the Gridan Cluster.
But, you know what is the best part of this? Well, Master Yensid, once again, has retreated to attend other matters but left a sort of embassador on his place to manage the newly formed Gamian Union. However, this time, he didn't chose one of his apprentices for such a position but a very young gamian with a distinct love for snacks, speed, and heaps of personality. To say that this person is "qualified" to do this job would be an understatement, as her natural charisma has already gained her a lot of followers. She currently resides in the neutral space at the Gridan Cluster, but there are rumors that she might move somewhere else soon... ... ... ... And I managed to appoint a meeting with her! [>w<]
I must admit that, while I'm a friendly person, it takes some time for me to like somebody, but this person was definetely one of the few exceptions in my book. We had a blast of an afternoon together reminiscing some of the best times of the Gamian Cluster doing what she does best: feeling the breeze of speed while having the hands at the wheel. Time flew on us and I was left wanting to meet with this awesome person again once more, yet it was impossible due several technical difficulties and other circumstances but, yesterday, after some months of letter exchanges, we had the chance to meet up again and drive through the lane of good old memories while, once again, time went away before we knew it. Regardless of what may happen now with all these changes I can, at least, rest assured that the fate of the Gamian Cluster is in good hands... perhaps, the best hands.
I really, really, really, look forward at meeting up with you again, President Von Schweetz.
- Luke Yantra
Seemos |
Yesterday, I caught a transmission from my good old buddie Spaz. I haven't heard from the hard working goblin a really good time, so I was happy to hear his voice even if it was, once again, needing my help with something out of the blue (nothing a few directed adjustments couldn't solve with his own hands).
While the problem was solved quite quickly, we talked for long, very long, and he told me about this idea he had been brewing for some time about making something akin to a little version of AxisKeep on our homeplane with the hope of allowing other promising candidates to achieve what I did. I told him one of my students was having a similar idea and the interest on him rose up to the point of inviting me to come Vaanh G'Raan, a place beyond the seas of The Known World.
Long after our chat was over, I remained brooding. All that I know is here, all my memories, all my deeds, all I love but, also, all that intends to kill me... is here. As I look back at my beloved StarHill reduced to ruins and the meager life I lead at The Yellow Tower deep in the Marushtal Desert, away from the sight of sea and wave, surrounded by unwelcoming faces and haunting past deeds, the idea of departing to colder horizons where the blizzard may take away my past and trap my undesired memories in ice doesn't sounds too unnappealing.
This, however, doesn't suits Niireme'a at all, as one would imagine. Being a creature of sun and warmth, Niireme'a would have a dire time surviving in such an unforgiving land which only the hardened of skin and those of inner heat can endure, so the very proposal of me departing to such parts has nearly shaken her to pieces, even when it was merely an offer and far from being a reality. I tried my best to console her and reassure her that everything is going to be fine and that, even if our paths part, love needs not to die, even if it needs to take different names and shapes. However, it has been hard, very hard, on her and she is digesting it one swallow at a time.
She might not believe it, but the idea of leaving her side tears me apart as well, but someone here needs to be the voice of reason and calm, and it seems cosmos has putted such a burden on my shoulders. After all, she deserves a far better life than this, she really does and, if by leaving her side I can grant her such, I'll do so without hesitation. She deserves that much from me.
- Seemos Yantra
Karmias |
As requested by her, I have taken Morgan to Preludia as she expressed interest in learning regarding the nature of the crystal shards I'm bound to collect. While not an unproductive activity on itself, I would rather have Morgan safe and sound somewhere else away from my dangerous company. Nevertheless, as the weight of my inefectiveness and delay increases, so my well earned punishment grows, prompting Morgan to sacrifice her own dreams in exchange for my assured permanence. I'm in debt to her as I am with the entire world, so I cannot refuse any sort of request from her part.
While it really doesn't matter where I am as shame follows me like a host of flies would follow a rotting carcass, I must admit that Preludia is one of the few places across The Heaven Of Memories where I wouldn't mind staying if I had to choose some place to rest once my task was completed. While I woke up to this penitence at Mea Culpa I have to admit that, somehow, this place... feels more like home than any other place I have been on.
Sometimes, when Morgan is way too caught up watching the vast crystal formations that set afloat entire islands in the sky, my eyes turn towards Castle Coneria, abode of the warrior who bears no name, and is humbly addressed as "The Fighter" by those who tell the tale of his deeds. What an honor would it be to fight alongside The Fighter and his comrades in this dreamsphere of beauty. Then again, how could someone like me stand in his presence without an overpowering sense of guilt, remorse and shame?
Preludia beckons my acking heart like the flutter of a soul in love at first sight, but someone so ashamed of herself does not belong in such a place: I would never ever dare to soil this sacred land with the filth of my guilt. I long for this place... but I don't belong to it.... I don't deserve it.
- Karmias D. Yantra.
Hedone |
How do you put in a single word the sensation you get when your stomach is stacked up to the brim with raw tofu, yet your taste buds scream in starvation making you to drool at the mere memory of sweet chocolate or tasty meat? I have been thinking on that a good deal of the day and, you know me: I don't think too much in anything unless I'm bored beyond the sanity parameters of a sapient nethian.
With my home getting better but still in delicate state, I have been finally able to take my golden showers with a similar regularity as in the past, thought to a rather bitter and tasteless cost. Some years ago, I slowly decreased the size of my zarkarite crystal orchards as the planet said it produced too much acid. I was never too much a fan of it, but, I kinda miss watching the rainbows now that I cannot even have any trace of it, even at home. I can't have sparring partners because the entire planet is busy fixing my home and a nearby place. And, finally, I cannot hunt anything with my planet stuck in stationary position with the one of Apathos in orbit. So, what am I supposed to do? Sitt still and be pretty?! I was born to be an explorer of the deepest regions of experience, not a pot flower!!
Sometimes, on the mornings, I can see a particularly big and shiny one. It looks a bit plain, but even at this distance I can see it's gentle slopes and forests, possibly giving home to god-knows-what. But, no, not close enough, and as long as Apathos' world is there in the sky, it is the only sight I'm going to see. Now, don't take me wrong: Apathos homeworld is a pretty place, very gentle and warm... but very plain. I must admit it was the heck worst the first time I went there (it was awfull, to be honest), but I have helped Apathos to make it a bit prettier and more welcoming. Nevertheless, there is still a loooong way to go and I am very afraid there is only a very limited amount of stuff that can be done, actually.
I would like to say that I miss visiting other planets, like in the past, but even then such was a rare event as the particular magnetic pull of my planet mainly rejects most other planets and only a very few have a similar gravitational wavelenght, so I am kinda "missing what I never had". Like I said earlier, I'm still trying to find a word to encase this big feeling... Any ideas?
PD: I could use Ahamkara's help. She is good with unusual words.
- Hedone Yantra.
Diessel |
It has been a hard week at the south, but not one bereft of success. Some days ago, our forces were pushed back to the north after having retaken a considerable part of the city of Guardian Channel. I have been told that, before the war, the city of Guardian Channel was a "fun place" and a "garden of many excesses". Despite everything, in a sense, it remains being that: a place where people try to forget that the world has been pushed to the very brink of it's extinction by indulging in pleasures of all kinds. Many calamities have scourged this city across the years since the beginning of the war and, yet, it's citizens do all on their power to remain as blissfully unaware of what's happening to the point no tears are shed for those who join the ranks of the Star Doppelganger. They simply let us do our job and carry on with their lives.
As I mentioned earlier (sorry, I tend to digress), our forces were pushed back by a retaliatory attack from the Star Doppelganger, which seeded doubt among the ranks on the effectivity of our new weapondry, developed thanks to Rheus, and to the indispensable support of Random's kin. Based mainly on vespene gas, hidrogen, and deactivated jorium, our boys have named it "Gardxya". Why? Beats me: all we care about it is that it seems to work in contrast with the expensive and traditional neutron bomb raids we had going on for almost a year with no significant effect but to "stun" the Doppelganger briefly. Fortunatelly, faith was restored as we significantly pushed back de Doppelganger forces with an astounding speed, recovering what we lost along a week in merely 2 days of intense fire. Some are wondering if the new andrium warheads, based on carbon and sodium, have anything to do with our apparent success as several trans-continental reports claim that such a weapon had effect in long-run campaigns against similar beings. I'd like to think such is true.
At any rate, a new assembly at the high command will take place in the comming days as to decide if there is going to be a change of plans in the strategy employed. Let's hope we don't waste any more life and resources in flashy displays that do nothing at all.
- Diessel Yantra.
The Writer |
Inspired by so many blogs out there that let us know whatever is on the head of our beloved posters, I have decided to make here an space for me and the rest to voice their thoughts so you can keep track on us. I would love to make this a graphical "Question-&-Answer" blog like many of our fellow artists have done (and I promise to update to such a format once I get back an scanner), but for now, like my good friend Danny uses to say: "Is what is at hand...".
In advance, thanks for reading and bearing with whatever antics you may stumble upon, as while this isn't a "rant" blog per sé, there will be days where we will, definetely, yell out our lungs after a really bad and messy day.
I wanna give special thanks to Ninony for being a really entertaining blog poster and giving the inspiration for this new initiative from my part. I hope that, like her, we manage to put up an entertaining moment in your lives by sharing what is on our heads. In advance, sorry and thanks.
PD: Any post title that includes (+18) means that there might be content of a more mature nature, so beware of such in case you consider yourself a person of high sensibility.
- The Writer.